The practice of criminal law is no place for part-timers. The stakes are high. The Lane Law Office is a specialty criminal defense firm, period
Along with a narrow criminal-law focus comes a depth of practice experience in nearly every area of criminal law. Attorney Lane has defended clients charged with crimes including :
Motor vehicle offenses
- Operating under the influence of alcohol, or BAC over .08% – “drunk driving”
- Operating under the influence of drugs – “drugged driving”
- Negligent operation of a motor vehicle
- Reckless operation of a motor vehicle
- Operating a motor vehicle with a suspended license
- Operating a motor vehicle with a license suspension due to an OUI
- Homicide by negligent operation of a motor vehicle

Various Criminal Charges
- Assault and battery
- on a family member – “domestic violence”
- on a police officer or public employee
- on a child, senior, pregnant and disabled person
- Assault and battery with a dangerous weapon
- Breaking and entering
- Home invasion
- Kidnapping
- Resisting arrest
- Robbery
- Stalking
- Threatening to commit a crime
- Violating a harassment order or an abuse-prevention order, also called a “restraining order”
Drug Crimes
- Possession of heroin, fentanyl, meth, crack cocaine and powder cocaine, mushrooms, opioid pills, unprescribed pills and others.
- Distribution and trafficking of banned drugs
- Possession of drugs with intent to sell them, including marijuana
- School-zone drug crimes
- Drug conspiracy
Sex Crimes
- Indecent assault and batteries on children and adults
- Rape
- Disseminating or distributing obscene material
- Failing to register as a sex offender
- Intimidation of a witness – “witness tampering” or “obstructing justice”
- Lewd public behavior
- Sexual conduct for a fee – “prostitution”
Firearms Crimes
- Possessing or carrying a firearm without a federal ID card or license
- Possessing ammunition
- Storing a firearm improperly
- Defacing a firearm serial number, or receiving a firearm with one
- Discharging a firearm near buildings
- Carrying a dangerous weapon
Clerk-Magistrate’s hearings – sometimes referred to as “show-cause hearings”
- Defaults from missed court dates
- Straight warrants due to missed first appearances
- Warrants for violating conditions of pre-trial release
- Warrants for violating conditions of probation